Manhattan KS Property Management - Aggietown Real Estate and Property Management

Frequently Asked Questions

Q1. What are your office hours?
We are open Monday - Friday from 9am to 5:30pm and Saturdays by appointment.

Q2. Where are you located?
We are located at 311 Plymate Lane, Manhattan, KS.  Taking Seth Childs Ave. North or South, you can turn east (towards Little Apple Honda) onto Amherst Ave. and take a left on Plymate Lane. 

Q3. When is rent considered late?
Rent is due on the 1st and considered late any day after. A fee of 10% of the balance due will be rendered at that time.

Q4. How can I schedule a viewing for a property I am interested in?
You may contact us or simply call us at 785-587-4100 to schedule a viewing.

Q5. What do I need to do to Apply?
Applying for renting is simple at Aggietown.  You can apply online at our website, bring a hard copy by our office during office hours, or scan and email a copy to us. There is a $35 application fee per APPLICATION.   A security deposit is required for each property to secure the property until a lease is signed.  You must provide us with identification and proof of income (Last two pay stubs, LES).  It takes approximately 24 to 48 hours for processing each application, and you will be notified of approval or denial by an Aggietown representative.  We will then schedule a Lease signing appointment with you.

Q6. Do you accept Pets?
We do accept pets, but it is property and pet specific.  Pets are handled on a case by case basis and allowance is at the sole discretion of Aggietown Real Estate.

Q7. Am I required to have Renter’s Insurance?
You will be required to obtain a Renter’s Insurance policy before moving into an Aggietown property.  Ask our office for further details.

Q8. I love Aggietown Real Estate. How can I leave a testimonial?
Visit the Testimonials/Reviews page to complete the short form. Thank you.